The team at Leicester Fertility Centre approached MIH Solutions because they knew their website needed refreshing. After a full audit of Leicester Fertility Centre’s website, we recommended we start from scratch., We redesigned and rebuilt the website from the ground up to help facilitate customer conversion. Bright, professional, modern and clear, the new site better represented the fertility centre and provided better accessibility and user experience for all.

The Brief

The team at Leicester Fertility Centre has a clear objective of becoming known as a high-quality alternative to high-profile services based in London, and the number one choice for clients across the region. However, they felt their logo and website did not reflect the high standard and quality of care available at the centre. MIH was asked to develop a website geared towards the user journey and providing a shop window for fertility services, as well as optimised for search engines with a view to attracting more private patients.


What We Did

Website design and development

We began by engaging Fertility Centre staff and patients in the brand development process to explore their perceptions of the centre, its unique selling points, and the ethos and culture of the service. We used this to develop key messages and content pillars for the website. 

Following our audit of their existing website, we considered the different user groups likely to be accessing the website and established logical user pathways to enable easier navigation. By designing a site map from the ground up we ensured that future users could easily locate information relevant to them. 

We produced all written copy for the new site using SEO techniques to ensure maximum reach. Through our user research, we established the keywords and queries to incorporate within written content, and we tailored our writing with each audience in mind. Beyond copywriting, we also addressed technical SEO aspects including mobile-friendliness and accessibility to broaden reach. 

It was Important to represent real patients and staff in the imagery used on the new website to build credibility and authenticity. MIH undertook several photo shoots to gather a suite of high-quality, representative stock photography unique to Leicester Fertility Centre. 

Our production team also created a video for the new home page to feature the stories of two service users. This carefully executed video tells the personal journeys and initial struggle with infertility through to seeking treatment and then becoming parents. Promoting the service through the lived experience of others was the priority of this video piece. 

Throughout the design and development of the website and brand identity, we continued to engage the team at the centre and patient through a patient user group to ensure our decision-making remained user centric throughout the lifespan of the project. 



The team at Leicester Fertility Centre wanted to take the user experience a step further by introducing a pricing calculator tool. Historically, fertility treatment pricing has been complicated and often shrouded in mystery across the sector. Leicester Fertility Centre wanted to lead sector change by committing to full transparency with their competitive pricing, a decision that aligned with the recommended best practice of the fertility governing body, the HFEA. MIH designed an interactive calculator tool that gave patients indicative costs broken down into easy-to-understand categories, ultimately leading to more accessible information and a better service user experience. 


Refreshing the brand

To support the design and development of the new website, we decided to modernise the existing brand to align better with the service. We took the concept of the tree of life and focused on the leaf motif to create a fresh identity derived from the original logo. We also created a new brand palette that felt modern, clean and fresh. The leaf motif helped to carry the brand identity throughout the website design and across documentation and brochures.


The Result

The culmination of our efforts is a bespoke, user-centered website that positions Leicester Fertility Centre as a beacon of excellence in fertility care, not only within the region but beyond. Our success is evidenced by the overwhelmingly positive feedback garnered through user testing and surveys. 
Vibrant, professional and contemporary the new website aligns seamlessly with the Centre's ethos.